IOGOOS-III Workshop and Third Annual Meeting held on August 09-12, 2005 at Bali, Indonesia.
Second Meeting of the IOC-IOGOOS-CLIVAR Indian Ocean Panel on Climate at Hobart, Australia during March 30 - April 02, 2005.
Second Annual Meeting of IOGOOS during April 26 - 29, 2004 at Colombo Sri Lanka.
IOGOOS Workshop on Capacity Building and Strategy for Ocean Data and Information Management in the Indian Ocean Region was during December 8 - 10, 2003 at Hyderabad, India
First Annual Meeting of IOGOOS on November 08, 2002 at Mauritius, during the Indian Ocean Conference.
IOGOOS Officers Meeting on the sidelines of the IOC Assembly.
In addition expert groups of IOGOOS met during various other Conferences and Seminars such as IOMEC, ODINCINDIO Planning Meeting, etc. to further the initiatives being pursued up by them.