R/V Investigator Voyage Updates- 2019

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The RV Investigator is currently undertaking oceanographic research along the 110°E meridian off Western Australia as part of the second International Indian Ocean Expedition. The voyage is led by Professor Lynnath Beckley of Murdoch University and the research is supported by a grant of sea time on RV Investigator from the CSIRO Marine National Facility.

Date: June 05, 2019

Time: 1200 AWST

Latitude: 11.5°S

Longitude: 110°E

Wind direction: E

Wind speed:9 knots

Swell direction: SE 2m

Depth: 4527 m

Air temperature: 27°C

Sea temperature: 28°C

Notes: Last station on the line! We made it! The RV Investigator has followed in the wake of the HMAS Diamantina.

A key descriptor of marine ecosystems is a particle size distribution, which is expressed as the number of particles or volume of particles in the water column. The particle size distribution is one of the parameters that determines bulk optical properties of a water mass. Various techniques exist to determine the particle size distribution and for large particles greater than100 microns, we are using the "Under Water Video Profiler" (UVP) on board the RV Investigator.

This instrument captures images of the particles so that one can identify what is present. The technique also allows derivation of the export flux of particles to the deep ocean.

Be sure to follow our daily Log from One Ten East at https://iioe-2.incois.gov.in and https://wamsi.org.au