Core Committee

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Kiel, Germany
(Sub)-mesoscale dynamics, air-sea fluxes, biophysical modeling, ocean observations
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Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Centre for Climate Change Research, Pune, India
Oceanic biophysical interactions, phenology, earth system modelling, machine learning
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Physical Research Laboratory, Space and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Ahmedabad, India
Air-sea exchange of reactive trace gases, DMS, VOCs, atmospheric chemistry
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Curtin University, School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Perth, Australia
Marine optics, satellite oceanography, ocean biogeochemical and bio-optical modelling
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University of Cape Town, Oceanography, Cape Town, South Africa
Extreme events, tropical cyclone, marine heatwaves, climate variability, ocean-atmosphere interactions
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Physical Research Laboratory, Geosciences Division, Ahmedabad, India
Ocean biogeochemistry, primary production, nitrogen fixation
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University of Cape Town, Oceanography, Cape Town, South Africa
Physical oceanography, numerical modelling, remote sensing
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Aix-Marseille Université, Biogeochemistry, Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography, Marseille, France
Microbial oceanography, diazotrophs, microbial ecology, nitrogen fixation
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Central University of Kerala, Central Instrumentation Facility, Kasaragod, India
Ocean biogeochemistry, oxygen minimum zone, greenhouse gases
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