Annual Meetings of the IIOE-2 Steering Committee, IOGOOS, IORP, SIBER, IRF, IndOOS Review, IOCINDIO and special West Indian Ocean marine science events: 11-15 March 2019, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
The IIOE-2 Joint Project office is pleased to report that through the agency of Prof Mike Roberts and associated colleagues of the West Indian Ocean SOLSTICE project ( the Nelson Mandela University has offered to co-host, in conjunction with the UNESCO IOC Perth Programme Office, the 3rd IIOE-2 Steering Committee meeting within the week of 11-15 March 2019, Port Elizabeth, South Africa. As in the past, this IIOE-2 meeting will be held under the banner of the (3rd) International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC3), and incorporated collegially within an integrated week's schedule with IOGOOS-15, IORP-15, SIBER-9, IRF-9, IOCINDIO-7 and the Second major workshop of the IndOOS Review. Furthermore, there will special West Indian Ocean / South African marine scientific presentations, workshops and demonstrations.
Further details are available in the IIOSC 2019 Information Booklet (download link below).
The integrated set of meetings comprise:
- 3rd meeting of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2) Steering Committee
- 15th annual meeting of the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System Regional Alliance (IOGOOS)
- 15th annual meeting of the CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP)
- 9th annual meeting of Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (SIBER) of IMBER/IOGOOS
- 9th annual meeting of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) Resource Forum (IRF) of IOGOOS
- IndOOS Review Workshop
- Workshop of the IOC Regional Committee for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO)
- West Indian Ocean / South African marine scientific presentations
- West Indian Ocean marine ocean observing / robotics workshops and demonstrations (various; SOLSTICE led)