CTCZ is a multi-institutional, inter-agency monsoon research programme under the MoESA national programme of this nature needs a management structure with well-defined roles for effective implementation. The new CTCZ Scientific Steering Committee (CTCZ-SCC) to be set up by MoES based on the present proposal, will be responsible for facilitating the successful execution of the CTCZ main phase during the years 2011 and 2012, and encouraging research for the CTCZ programme. CTCZ-SCC will guide the programme and take major policy decisions related to CTCZ.
More than 25 organizations are expected to take part in CTCZ. Furthermore, the CTCZ programme comprises several components: (i) land-surface processes including hydrology and vegetation as well as land-atmosphere interaction and feedbacks, atmospheric boundary layer, clouds and aerosol; (ii) ocean processes, convection over the ocean and air-sea interaction; and (iii) the large scale processes of the monsoon and the ocean. Each component involves field campaigns, data analysis and modeling. This is to be accomplished by projects executed by different investigators from different institutions in the country and committed contributions from institutions under MoES and DOS. The broad- based SSC is responsible for generating proposals relevant to the CTCZ programme from the atmosphere and ocean science community, recommending sanction for those proposals on the basis of reviews about the relevance to the CTCZ programme, the proven competence of the investigators and feasibility of attaining the objec tives. The overall scientific responsibility of ensuring deliverables also rests with the CTCZ-SSC. The proposed management structure of CTCZ is shown below.