Cruise No. EP49
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Alternate Title: Monaco Explorations Indian Ocean Expedition
Brief Description (Abstract):
Monaco Explorations Indian Ocean Expedition is the first element of the âMonaco Explorationsâ project endorsed as a contribution to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030. The Expedition covered the area between Reunion Island, Mauritius, and Seychelles with the main focus on the multidisciplinary investigation of the Saya de Malha Bank. The Expedition collected data also around the Aldabra Atoll (Seychelles), the island of Saint Brandon (Mauritius), and during the transits.
Status: Underdevelopment
Purpose: The Expedition has three objectives (1) Improving the understanding of the ecosystem status and functioning of the area explored through a multidisciplinary scientific approach and advising stakeholders through a holistic scientific approach (sustainability science). (2) Sharing the issues and knowledge with the greatest possible number of people through an ambitious outreach programme. (3) Through diplomatic action, mobilizing governments and informing policies by making available information and analyses to support the sustainable management of maritime areas.
Credit(s): Monaco Explorations
Presentation Format: Documentdigital
Distribution Format: Unknown
Distribution Format Version: Unknown
Supplemental Information:
The Expedition benefited from extensive media coverage and will result in the production of a documentary film for international distribution and other educational and artistic contents. It contributed also to regional capacity development through the participation of students and early career ocean professionals from Mauritius and Seychelles who benefited from the at-sea-component of the International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea) on instrumentation and acquisition of data in oceanography that was included in the Expedition programme.
Earth Science-Oceans-Ocean Temperature,
Earth Science-Biological Classification,
Earth Science-Oceans,
Earth Science-Oceans-Salinity/Density,
Earth Science-Marine Science,
Earth Science-Oceans-Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography-Bathymetry,
Earth Science-Oceans-Coastal Processes-Coral Reefs,
Earth Science-Oceans-Ocean Chemistry,
Earth Science-Oceans-Ocean Circulation,
Western Indian Ocean,
Topic Category(s): Biota, Elevation, Environment, Oceans,
Date(s): 2023-02-01 (Publication), 2023-08-31 (Revision),
Resource Contact(s):
1. Name : Xavier Prache
Position : Director - Chief Operation Officer
Role : PrincipalInvestigator
Phone : +377 93 15 40 61
E-Mail : contact [ at ]
Organization Name : Monaco Explorations
Address : Societe des Explorations de Monaco, c/o Musee oceanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin
City : Monaco
State : Monaco
Postal Code : MC 98000
Country : MCO
Distributor Contact(s):
1. Name : Xavier Prache
Position : Director - Chief Operation Officer
Role : Distributor
Phone : +377 93 15 40 61
E-Mail : contact [ at ]
Organization Name : Monaco Explorations
Address : Societe des Explorations de Monaco, c/o Musee oceanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin
City : Monaco
State : Monaco
Postal Code : MC 98000
Country : MCO
Metadata Contact(s):
1. Name : Xavier Prache
Position : Director - Chief Operation Officer
Role : PointOfContact
Phone : +377 93 15 40 61
E-Mail : contact [ at ]
Organization Name : Monaco Explorations
Address : Societe des Explorations de Monaco, c/o Musee oceanographique, Avenue Saint-Martin
City : Monaco
State : Monaco
Postal Code : MC 98000
Country : MCO
Start Date : 2022-10-03
End Date : 2022-12-01