1. The Australian Integrated Marine Observing System- Tim Moltmann.[ HTML |PDF]
2. IOP Since IOP6 in May 2009 and Vision for the future in the context of synergies with SIBER and IRF - Weidong Yu & Yukio Masumoto. [HTML| PDF ]
3. SIBER: Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research - Raleigh R. Hood and S.Wajih A.Naqvi. [ PDF]
4. Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) Resources Forum - Gary Meyers. [HTML |PDF]
1. Operational Ocean Forecasting in the IOGOOS Region - AndreasSchiller.
2. Applications of Satellite Data to Marine Ecosystem Management - Nicolas Hoepffner.
3. The First DBCP In-Region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop - Dr.Sidney Thurston.
4. Indian Ocean Observation Present status and Science Highlights - Weidong Yu & Yukio Masumoto.
5. Operational Oceanographic Services in IOGOOS Region- S.S.C.Shenoi.
6. HF Radar Network along the Indian Coast - Dr.Basanta Kumar Jena.
7. The Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Project - Rudolf Hermes.
1. IOGOOS Secretariat Report (December 2008 - June 2010).
2. IOP Report for IOGOOS. [HTML | PDF]
3. IRF Agenda. [HTML |PDF]
4. SIBER: Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research Report to IOGOOS - Raleigh R.Hood and S.Wajih A.Naqvi. [ PDF]
5. Indian Ocean Core Remote Sensing Project ChloroGIN-IO - T.Srinivasa Kumar. [HTML |PDF]
6. Monitoring of Shoreline Change - Tennakoon T.K.D, Nagaraja Kumar M,Jinadasa S.U.P. [HTML |PDF]