IOGOOS Workshop and Seventh Annual Meeting (IOGOOS-VII)

July 12 – 16, 2010 at Perth, Australia

Agenda Item (iii) of the Annual Meeting


IOGOOS Secretariat Report (December 2008 – June 2010)


Sl. No.


Status / Progress


IOGOOS Annual Meeting



·        Finalised and circulated the IOGOOS VI Annual Report.


The IOGOOS Secretariat was requested to interact with the potential hosts to finalise the venue and the dates of the next Annual Meeting

·        Action Completed


Conduct of IOGOOS VII

·        Circular, Invitations, Agenda, Funding for IOGOOS VII.

·        Funding from IOC Perth Office (AUD 15, 000) to partially / fully sponsor 05 participants.


Capacity Building


IOGOOS Secretariat was asked to approach IOC / UNESCO for Capacity Building under the framework of IOGOOS projects

·        “International Capacity Development Program: Seminar and Proposal-writing workshop for Marine related Institutions at Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia during December 10 – 14, 2008. IOC UNESCO has sponsored 05 Participants from IOGOOS Coastal Projects.

·        COAST MAP IO Workshop on Drafting Project Proposal to International Financial Institutions held at Hyderabad, INDIA during November 4-7, 2009. 17 participants from 11 countries have participated in the meeting out of which 08 representatives from IOGOOS member countries.

·         IOGOOS, through IOC/UNESCO Perth Office has sponsored 05 delegates from the Indian Ocean Rim countries for their participation in the SAFARI (Societal Applications in Fisheries and Aquaculture using Remotely-sensed Imagery) International Symposium on “Remote Sensing and Fisheries” held at Kochi, India during February 15-17, 2010 and ChloroGIN General Meeting during February 18 – 19, 2010.

·        Circulated the announcement of C V Raman International Fellowship for African Researchers, announced by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, to the IOGOOS Members from the African Countries.


IOGOOS Projects


Secretariat to provide a critical review and assessment of all feasible existing and proposed IOGOOS projects as well as unfeasible existing or proposed projects at the next IOGOOS meeting, to facilitate decisions that would need to be made by members on continuance or otherwise of all projects, with a view to then revising and updating the project listing on the IOGOOS website

·        Key stone Ecosystem project need to be dropped or either need to identify an active leader.

·        Shoreline change project has becoming in-active due to no response from the Member countries. PL may be tasked for coordination with the member countries for their participation.

·        Chlorophyll_a Mapping project is progressing well. The Progress will be made by Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar.




Reflect the creation of Co-secretary post and renewal of Chair position with Dr. Shailesh Nayak.

·        Action Completed


The Chair tasked the Secretariat to (i) coordinate a letter of thanks and appreciation (through the Chair) to Dr Smith on his retirement as IOGOOS Officer and (ii) coordinate the process for Dr Smith’s replacement out of session, before the next IOGOOS meeting

·        Action Completed.

·        Notified the vacancy of Dr. Neville’s position. Nominations are tabled for discussion under Item No. xiii of IOGOOS Annual Meeting.


IOGOOS Officers

·        The secretariat sent out the status paper and requested nominations for the positions of IOGOOS Chair and Officer. The status is attached as Annexure – 1. Will be discussed as Agenda Item xiii of the Annual Meeting.


IOGOOS Members

·        Sultan Qabbus University, Sultanate of Oman is willing to become an IOGOOS Member. However, the SQU has requested for a change in nomenclature. Instead of calling “MoU” , they would like to call as “Agreement” so that they could obtain necessary approvals.

·        Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME), a project of FAO, is willing to become an Associate Member.




Membership Fees for 2009-10

·        Sent out requests to Members for remittance of the Annual Membership fee for the period 2009-10.



·        Completed Financial Accounting and Audit for the Period December 2008 – June 2010).

·        Statement of Account is being submitted for verification and approval. The status is attached as Annexure – 2. Will be tabled as Agenda Item xi of the Annual Meeting


Specific actions with respect to IOP, SIBER, Modelling and Remote Sensing project initiatives will be presented by the respective project leaders.




Annexure – 1

Notification for the position of IOGOOS Chairman and Officers

Agenda Item xiii of the Annual Meeting

Rules for Nomination of IOGOOS Chair / Officers:

·        The Officers should be broadly representative of the regions of the Indian Ocean. viz. Central Indian Ocean, East Africa, Eastern Indian Ocean, Southern Africa and Indian Ocean Islands

·        Officer shall serve in an individual capacity for a period of 2 years, up to a maximum of two terms. With the unanimous agreement of all members, in exceptional cases, an Officer can be extended for a further term of 2 years.

·        If an Officer does not attend two consecutive Annual Meetings, the position of that Officer will be considered vacant and an election will be conducted for the position.

·        If an Officer resigns, the position shall remain vacant until the next Annual Meeting. However, if the Chair is unable to serve, one of the Officers will be nominated by the Officers, to act as a Chair, till next Annual Meeting.

·        IOGOOS Secretariat shall notify to all Members about the vacancies of the posts (Chair / Officers) and request nominations from members for the position of Chair of IOGOOS and for other Officers three months prior to the Annual Meeting.

·        Nominations should be forwarded through the IOGOOS Member Institutions.

·        In the event of more nominations than vacant Officer Positions, an Election Return Officer, who is not a voting Member, shall be appointed, to oversee the election. Each member shall have a number of votes equal to the number of vacancies.

IOGOOS Chair and Officers: The following is the status of the Tenure of Chair and Officers of IOGOOS:



2002 - 2004

2004 - 2006

2006 - 2008

2008 - 2010

2010 - 2012

Nominations Received









Dr. K. Radhakrishnan

Dr. K. Radhakrishnan

Dr. Shailesh Nayak

Dr. Shailesh Nayak

Eligible for Extension for two year term, with the unanimous agreement of all members, in exceptional cases.

However, Dr. Shailesh Nayak willing to step down

Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee, Mauritius


Dr. Johnson Kazungu

Dr. Johnson Kazungu

Dr. Alfonse Dubi

Dr. Alfonse Dubi

Eligible for Extension for two year term, with the unanimous agreement of all members, in exceptional cases.

Willing to continue



Prof. Anthony Forbes

Prof. Anthony Forbes

Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong

Dr. Somkiat Khokiattiwong



Dr. Harry Ganoo

Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee

Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee

Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee

To be Elected.

Dr. Andreas Schiller, CSIRO &

Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar, INCOIS, India


Dr. Neville Smith

Dr. Neville Smith

Dr. Neville Smith

To be Elected.

To be Elected.



o        Nominations have been invited from interested Members for the position of IOGOOS Chair and Officers


o        Received one nomination for the post of IOGOOS Chair (Representation from Islands Region)


o        Received two nominations for IOGOOS Officer vacancies:

o       One representing Eastern Indian Ocean (Dr. Andreas Schiller)

o       One representing Central Indian Ocean (Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar)