Training/Workshop on Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures and
Tsunami Ready Recognition Programme
during 9 - 20 March 2025
Organized by
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) and
International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
INCOIS, Hyderabad, India.
At the UNESCO-IOC 2nd Global Tsunami Symposium on commemorating the 20th year of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, it was agreed that the Indian Ocean is much safer against the threat of tsunamis than it was in 2004. The symposium came up with the statement "Global Tsunami Warning and Mitigation: Building Sustainability for the next decade through Transformation and Innovation", following which, UNESCO and its partners called on States and civil society to drastically step up their investments and efforts to strengthen Tsunami Early Warning Systems and achieve 100% of Tsunami Ready Communities across the world by 2030.
In line with these priorities, the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/IOTWMS) at its 14th session in Jakarta, in November 2024, agreed for the UNESCO-IOC Indian Ocean Tsunami Information Centre (IOTIC) and the IOTWMS Secretariat to conduct the Tsunami Evacuation Plans, Maps, and Procedures (TEMPP) training workshop in 2025.
The total number of participants is expected to be around 60. Each ICG/IOTWMS Member State (list provided below) will be invited to nominate 2 suitably qualified and experienced participants with the following skill sets to attend this training programme:
(ICG/IOTWMS Member States: Australia, Bangladesh, Comoros, Djibouti, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Oman, Pakistan, Seychelles, Singapore, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor Leste, United Arab Emirates, Yemen)
Please use the online link
Please download the application form: link..
Application form should be duly endorsed by Tsunami National Contact of your country and sent to and along with a photocopy of the information page of your passport
Last date for Applications: 28 January 2025
Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by 10 February 2025
Through limited joint funding of the UNESCO-IOC, UNESCAP, IOTIC-BMKG, and INCOIS, the training workshop will include at least 2 participants from each ICG/IOTWMS member state.
Limited funding support is available for participants of Member States who are willing to implement the UNESCO-IOC TRRP in selected community/ies and have existing community preparedness initiatives. Funding support will consist of round-trip air travel (via the shortest and most economical route), shared accommodation, and per diem. Member States not eligible for funding support as described above are welcome to nominate participants on a self-funded basis to the limit of the workshop's capacity.
The training will be organized during 9 - 20 March 2025 and will comprise the following modules:
Hybrid platform (link will be sent to all shortlisted candidates).
International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean),
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS),
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India,
"Ocean Valley", Pragathi Nagar (B.O), Nizampet (S.O),
Hyderabad - 500 090, INDIA
For Any questions please contact the Training Coordinators:
(09 Mar'25) |
Day1 (10 Mar'25) |
Day2 (11 Mar'25) |
Day3 (12 Mar'25) |
Day4 (13 Mar'25) |
Day5 (14 Mar'25) |
Day6 (15 Mar'25) |
Day7 (16 Mar'25) |
Day8 (17 Mar'25) |
Day9 (18 Mar'25) |
Day10 (19 Mar'25) |
Day11 (20 Mar'25) |
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(Day 4) |
Arrival of Tsunami Evacuation Maps, Plans, and Procedures(TEMPP) and Tsunami Ready(TRIP) Participant | (Day 1) |
(Day 2) |
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(Day 4) |
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