ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)
Home ITCOocean International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)

Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India,
International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography (ITCOocean)
-A Category-2-Centre of UNESCO


Empowering the Next Wave of Indian Ocean Prediction: Join us for IOPredict-2024:

We are excited to announce the upcoming 'IOPredict-2024' workshop, organized by International Training Centre for Operational Oceanography, INCOIS, a Category-2-Centre of UNESCO during 9-13 December 2024 at ITCOcean, INCOIS Campus, Hyderabad, India. This international event will bring experts, early career researchers and students together to share new research and ideas in ocean processes, modeling and prediction to address important challenges in ocean sciences and its contribu-tion to the Blue Economy.

This five-day workshop will provide a unique opportunity for early career researchers and students to learn various aspects of ocean modeling and data assimilation and their applications. Participants will engage in stimulating discussions, exchange of ideas and expertise and build lasting connections. The workshop will feature invited talks from leading experts in ocean sciences, offering insights and guid-ance on critical topics. Additionally, a special three-day pre-conference tutorial to provide training on scientific data analysis, interpretation, scientific writing and presentation will also be conducted during 4-6 December 2024.

Workshop Themes:

  • Ocean General Circulation Modeling
  • Ocean Processes and Observation
  • Wave, Storm Surge and Coastal Ocean Processes and Modeling
  • Data Assimilation and Data Driven Methods
  • Marine Biogeochemistry
  • Operational Ocean Services and Blue Economy

In addition to the lectures by leading experts in the field, participants also will get the opportunity to showcase their research and innovative approaches either as oral or poster presentations at IOPredict-2024.

Who can attend?

The workshop primarily targets Early Career Researchers and Students. The participants are encouraged to secure their own funds to enable their participation in the workshop. However, we will provide lim-ited financial assistance to eligible candidates to cover either fully or partially their travel, accommoda-tion and local expenses.

Mark Your Calendars:

  • Registration Opens: 2nd September 2024
  • Registration Closes : 5th October 2024
  • Intimation of selection : 5th October 2024
  • Pre-conference Tutorial : 4-6 December 2024
  • Workshop: 9-13 December 2024

Online Registration :

Applicants will be required to register for the event by filling up the google form. Do not forget to upload a personal statement describing their academic/professional background and how IOPredict-2024 will help you in advancing your research career in ocean sciences. Since there are only limited vacancies available for pre-conference tutorial and workshop, selection will be based on this personal statement. It is planned to have a limited number of contributed presentations (oral/poster form) from the participants during the workshop. Selected abstracts will be part of the conference proceedings/abstract volume. Those who wishes to present an original research work may please indicate the same in the google form and upload an abstract of the research (not exceeding 250 words). More information on the conference will be available at