ESSO - Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services

(An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India)

TropFlux Products

Data Policy

See Data access.

Data Files

TropFlux fluxes and flux related meteorological variables are available in daily and monthly time scales and are available from the following directories :

Size of daily files : almost 1GB
Size of monthly files : 32 MB

  • q2m*.nc file contain TropFlux specific humidity at 2m above the sea surface.

    Units are in g/kg.

  • t2m*.nc files contain TropFlux air temperature at 2m above the sea surface.

    Units are in °C.

  • sst*.nc files contain TropFlux sea surface temperature.

    Units are in °C.

  • ws*.nc files contain TropFlux wind speed at 10m above the sea surface. The gustiness correction applied to wind speed for turbulent heat flux computations (see Praveen Kumar et al. 2012 for details) is not applied in this file.

    Units are in m.s-1.

  • swr*.nc files contain TropFlux net shortwave radiation at the sea surface.

  • lwr*.nc files contain TropFlux net longwave radiation at the sea surface.

  • lhf*.nc files contain TropFlux latent heat flux.

  • shf*.nc files contain TropFlux sensible heat flux.

  • netflux*.nc files contain TropFlux net surface heat flux.

    Units are in W.m-2.

  • tau*.nc files contain TropFlux wind stress magnitude.

  • taux*.nc files contain TropFlux zonal wind stress.

  • tauy*.nc files contain TropFlux meridional wind stress.

    Units are in N.m-2.

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