Endorsed Projects & Activities

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The Implementation Strategy

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The Science Plan

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The Indian Ocean Bubble 2

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History of International Indian Ocean Expedition

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IndOOS - the Indian Ocean Observing System of GOOS

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Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2)

"to advance our understanding of the Indian Ocean and its role in the Earth System in order to enable informed decisions in support of sustainable development and the well-being of humankind"

This international program of discovery will be guided by a rich set of contemporary science questions. It will provide new observational data that will be processed, curated, managed and used to underpin characterisation of key oceanic and related atmospheric processes at a wide spectrum of spatial and temporal scales. This will support improved modelling and predictability, and as an integrated body of new information, the transfer of knowledge for societal benefit with an emphasis on capacity development as a key vehicle to achieve this objective.  Read more

Expedition Updates

In depth study of Indian Ocean by RV Investigator

14 June, 2019     Fremantle, Australia             Read more

It's a 110°E wrap!

13 June, 2019      Fremantle, Australia               Read more